Company will promptly make public disclosures of
unpublished price sensitive information that
would impact price discovery as soon the
information or the decisions are approved by the
Board. It will inform the stock exchange and
simultaneously upload such information on
Company's website
www.kothariphyto.com in order
to make such information generally available to
Investors and Members of the Company.
Company shall make uniform and universal
dissemination of unpublished price sensitive
information to avoid selective disclosure by
making simultaneous disclosure to stock
exchanges where the shares of the Company are
listed and also at the website of the Company.
Mr. Madan Lal Daga, Company Secretary, is
designated as Chief Investor Relations Officer
to take all required action for dissemination of
information and disclosure of unpublished price
sensitive information indiscriminately.
In the event of inadvertent selective
disclosures of unpublished price sensitive
information, prompt action shall be taken by
Chief Investor Relations Officer to ensure such
information is generally available to Investors
and Members of the Company. Company shall take
all reasonable steps, to make generally
available any discussion on unpublished price
sensitive information at the meeting of analyst
or investor relations through the official
website to ensure official confirmation and
public disclosure.
Chief Investor Relations Officer shall provide
appropriate assistance and fair response to
Regulatory Authorities for verification of news
reports or market rumors.
Chief Investor Relations Officer shall further
ensure that information shared with analysts and
research personnel is not unpublished
information of price sensitive nature.
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information shall be
handled on a "need to know" basis i.e.
unpublished price sensitive information shall be
disclosed only to those who need the information
by virtue of statutory requirement, contractual
obligation to discharge their duties /
obligations etc. in the interest of the Company.